Require Import List.
Export ListNotations.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import general_export.
Declare Scope My_scope.
Delimit Scope My_scope with M.
Open Scope My_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l)
(at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "[ ]" := nil.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
(* In this file we define a calculus G4iSLT based on multisets for the propositonal intuitionistic modal logic
iSL. *)
(* Definitions Language *)
(* First, let us define the propositional formulae we use here. *)
Inductive MPropF : Type :=
| Var : nat -> MPropF
| Bot : MPropF
| And : MPropF -> MPropF -> MPropF
| Or : MPropF -> MPropF -> MPropF
| Imp : MPropF -> MPropF -> MPropF
| Box : MPropF -> MPropF
Notation "# P" := (Var P) (at level 1) : My_scope.
Notation "A → B" := (Imp A B) (at level 16, right associativity) : My_scope.
Notation "A ∨ B" := (Or A B) (at level 16, right associativity) : My_scope.
Notation "A ∧ B" := (And A B) (at level 16, right associativity) : My_scope.
Notation "⊥" := Bot (at level 0) : My_scope.
Lemma eq_dec_form : forall x y : MPropF, {x = y}+{x <> y}.
repeat decide equality.
Fixpoint weight_form (A : MPropF) : nat :=
match A with
| # P => 1
| Bot => 1
| And B C => 2 + (weight_form B) + (weight_form C)
| Or B C => 1 + (weight_form B) + (weight_form C)
| Imp B C => 1 + (weight_form B) + (weight_form C)
| Box B => 1 + (weight_form B)
(* Now, we can define properties of formulae. *)
Definition is_atomicT (A : MPropF) : Type :=
(existsT2 (P : nat), A = # P) + (A = Bot).
Definition is_boxedT (A : MPropF) : Type :=
exists (B : MPropF), A = Box B.
Definition is_boxedT2 (A : MPropF) : Type :=
existsT2 (B : MPropF), A = Box B.
Definition is_primeT (A : MPropF) : Type :=
is_atomicT A + is_boxedT A.
(* We can define some types of lists formulae. For example, we can define
lists of formulae which contain only propositional variables, or
boxed formulae, or a combination of both. These are useful to define
the rules. *)
Definition is_Atomic (Γ : list MPropF) : Prop :=
forall A, (In A Γ) -> ((exists P, A = # P) \/ (A = ⊥)).
Definition is_Boxed_list (Γ : list MPropF) : Prop :=
forall (A : MPropF), (In A Γ) -> (exists (B : MPropF), A = Box B).
Definition is_Prime (Γ : list MPropF) : Prop :=
forall (A : MPropF), (In A Γ) ->
(exists (B : MPropF), A = Box B) \/ (exists P, A = # P) \/ (A = ⊥).
(* The next definitions help to define the combination of a list of boxed
formulae and the unboxing of all the formulae in that list. *)
Definition unBox_formula (A : MPropF) : MPropF :=
match A with
| # P => # P
| ⊥ => ⊥
| And A B => And A B
| Or A B => Or A B
| Imp A B => Imp A B
| Box A => A
Fixpoint unBoxed_list (Γ : list MPropF) : list MPropF:=
match Γ with
| [ ] => [ ]
| h :: t => (unBox_formula h :: unBoxed_list t)
Fixpoint top_boxes (l : list MPropF) : list MPropF :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => match h with
| Box A => (Box A) :: top_boxes t
| _ => top_boxes t
(* Now that we have defined these, we can prove some properties about them. *)
Lemma unBox_app_distrib :
forall (l1 l2: list MPropF), unBoxed_list (l1 ++ l2) = (unBoxed_list l1) ++ (unBoxed_list l2).
induction l1.
- intro l2. rewrite app_nil_l with (l:=l2). simpl. reflexivity.
- intro l2. simpl. rewrite IHl1. reflexivity.
Lemma subl_of_boxl_is_boxl :
forall (l1 l2: list MPropF), (incl l1 l2) -> (is_Boxed_list l2) -> (is_Boxed_list l1).
intros. unfold is_Boxed_list. intros. apply H in H1. apply H0 in H1.
destruct H1. exists x. assumption.
Lemma tl_of_boxl_is_boxl :
forall (h : MPropF) (t l : list MPropF) (H: l = h :: t),
(is_Boxed_list l) -> (is_Boxed_list t).
intros. unfold is_Boxed_list. intros. assert (Hyp: In A l).
rewrite H. simpl. right. apply H1. apply H0 in Hyp. destruct Hyp.
exists x. assumption.
Lemma is_box_is_in_boxed_list : forall l (A : MPropF), In A l -> is_Boxed_list l -> (exists B, Box B = A).
induction l.
- intros. inversion H.
- intros. inversion H.
+ subst. unfold is_Boxed_list in H0. pose (H0 A).
apply e in H. destruct H. exists x. symmetry. assumption.
+ apply IHl. assumption. unfold is_Boxed_list. intros. unfold is_Boxed_list in H0.
pose (H0 A0). apply e. apply in_cons. assumption.
Lemma top_boxes_distr_app : forall (l1 l2 : list MPropF),
top_boxes (l1 ++ l2) = (top_boxes l1) ++ (top_boxes l2).
induction l1.
- intro l2. rewrite app_nil_l. simpl. reflexivity.
- intro l2. simpl. destruct a ; try apply IHl1.
simpl. rewrite IHl1. reflexivity.
Lemma top_boxes_incl_list : forall l, incl (top_boxes l) l.
induction l.
- simpl. unfold incl. intros. inversion H.
- unfold incl. intros. destruct a.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. destruct H.
+ subst. apply in_eq.
+ apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
Lemma in_top_boxes : forall l A, (In A (top_boxes l)) -> (existsT2 B l1 l2, (A = Box B) * (l = l1 ++ A :: l2)).
induction l.
- intros. simpl in H. inversion H.
- intros. destruct a.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([# n] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([⊥] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([And a1 a2] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([Or a1 a2] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([Imp a1 a2] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl (top_boxes (Box a :: l)) in H. destruct (eq_dec_form (Box a) A).
+ subst. exists a. exists []. exists l. auto.
+ subst. assert (H0 : In A (top_boxes l)). inversion H. exfalso. apply n. assumption.
assumption. apply IHl in H0. destruct H0. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p.
subst. exists x. exists ([Box a] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
Lemma box_in_top_boxes : forall l1 l2 A, existsT2 l3 l4, top_boxes (l1 ++ Box A :: l2) = l3 ++ Box A :: l4.
intros. exists (top_boxes l1). exists (top_boxes l2). rewrite top_boxes_distr_app. auto.
Lemma is_Boxed_list_top_boxes : forall l, is_Boxed_list (top_boxes l).
intros. induction l.
- simpl. intro. intros. inversion H.
- intro. destruct a.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. destruct H.
* exists a. auto.
* apply IHl. assumption.
Definition Seq := (prod (list MPropF) (MPropF)).
(* Finally, we can define the rules which constitute our calculi. We gather
them in cacluli in a definition appearing later. *)
Inductive IdPRule : rlsT Seq :=
| IdPRule_I : forall P (Γ0 Γ1 : list MPropF),
IdPRule [] (pair (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1) (# P))
Inductive BotLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| BotLRule_I : forall Γ0 Γ1 A,
BotLRule [] (pair (Γ0 ++ (⊥) :: Γ1) A)
Inductive AndRRule : rlsT Seq :=
| AndRRule_I : forall A B Γ,
AndRRule [(pair Γ A) ; (pair Γ B)]
(pair Γ (And A B))
Inductive AndLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| AndLRule_I : forall A B C Γ0 Γ1,
AndLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: B :: Γ1) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (And A B) :: Γ1) C)
Inductive OrR1Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrR1Rule_I : forall A B Γ,
OrR1Rule [(pair Γ A)]
(pair Γ (Or A B))
Inductive OrR2Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrR2Rule_I : forall A B Γ,
OrR2Rule [(pair Γ B)]
(pair Γ (Or A B))
Inductive OrLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrLRule_I : forall A B C Γ0 Γ1,
OrLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1) C) ; (pair (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Or A B) :: Γ1) C)
Inductive ImpRRule : rlsT Seq :=
| ImpRRule_I : forall A B Γ0 Γ1,
ImpRRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1) B)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ Γ1) (Imp A B))
Inductive AtomImpL1Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| AtomImpL1Rule_I : forall P A C Γ0 Γ1 Γ2,
AtomImpL1Rule [(pair (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1 ++ A :: Γ2) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1 ++ (Imp (# P) A) :: Γ2) C)
Inductive AtomImpL2Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| AtomImpL2Rule_I : forall P A C Γ0 Γ1 Γ2,
AtomImpL2Rule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1 ++ # P :: Γ2) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (# P) A) :: Γ1 ++ # P :: Γ2) C)
Inductive AndImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| AndImpLRule_I : forall A B C D Γ0 Γ1,
AndImpLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp A (Imp B C)) :: Γ1) D)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (And A B) C) :: Γ1) D)
Inductive OrImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrImpLRule_I : forall A B C D Γ0 Γ1 Γ2,
OrImpLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp A C) :: Γ1 ++ (Imp B C) :: Γ2) D)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (Or A B) C) :: Γ1 ++ Γ2) D)
Inductive ImpImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| ImpImpLRule_I : forall A B C D Γ0 Γ1,
ImpImpLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp B C) :: Γ1) (Imp A B)) ; (pair (Γ0 ++ C :: Γ1) D)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (Imp A B) C) :: Γ1) D)
Inductive BoxImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| BoxImpLRule_I : forall A B C Γ0 Γ1,
BoxImpLRule [(pair ((unBoxed_list Γ0) ++ B :: (unBoxed_list Γ1) ++ [Box A]) A) ; (pair (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (Box A) B) :: Γ1) C)
Inductive SLRRule : rlsT Seq :=
| SLRRule_I : forall A Γ,
SLRRule [(pair ((unBoxed_list Γ) ++ [Box A]) A)] (pair Γ (Box A))
(* At last we can define our calculus G4iSLT. *)
Inductive G4iSLT_rules : rlsT Seq :=
| IdP : forall ps c, IdPRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| BotL : forall ps c, BotLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AndR : forall ps c, AndRRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AndL : forall ps c, AndLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrR1 : forall ps c, OrR1Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrR2 : forall ps c, OrR2Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrL : forall ps c, OrLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| ImpR : forall ps c, ImpRRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AtomImpL1 : forall ps c, AtomImpL1Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AtomImpL2 : forall ps c, AtomImpL2Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AndImpL : forall ps c, AndImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrImpL : forall ps c, OrImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| ImpImpL : forall ps c, ImpImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| BoxImpL : forall ps c, BoxImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| SLR : forall ps c, SLRRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
Definition G4iSLT_prv s := derrec G4iSLT_rules (fun _ => False) s.
Export ListNotations.
Require Import Lia.
Require Import general_export.
Declare Scope My_scope.
Delimit Scope My_scope with M.
Open Scope My_scope.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Notation "x :: l" := (cons x l)
(at level 60, right associativity).
Notation "[ ]" := nil.
Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
(* In this file we define a calculus G4iSLT based on multisets for the propositonal intuitionistic modal logic
iSL. *)
(* Definitions Language *)
(* First, let us define the propositional formulae we use here. *)
Inductive MPropF : Type :=
| Var : nat -> MPropF
| Bot : MPropF
| And : MPropF -> MPropF -> MPropF
| Or : MPropF -> MPropF -> MPropF
| Imp : MPropF -> MPropF -> MPropF
| Box : MPropF -> MPropF
Notation "# P" := (Var P) (at level 1) : My_scope.
Notation "A → B" := (Imp A B) (at level 16, right associativity) : My_scope.
Notation "A ∨ B" := (Or A B) (at level 16, right associativity) : My_scope.
Notation "A ∧ B" := (And A B) (at level 16, right associativity) : My_scope.
Notation "⊥" := Bot (at level 0) : My_scope.
Lemma eq_dec_form : forall x y : MPropF, {x = y}+{x <> y}.
repeat decide equality.
Fixpoint weight_form (A : MPropF) : nat :=
match A with
| # P => 1
| Bot => 1
| And B C => 2 + (weight_form B) + (weight_form C)
| Or B C => 1 + (weight_form B) + (weight_form C)
| Imp B C => 1 + (weight_form B) + (weight_form C)
| Box B => 1 + (weight_form B)
(* Now, we can define properties of formulae. *)
Definition is_atomicT (A : MPropF) : Type :=
(existsT2 (P : nat), A = # P) + (A = Bot).
Definition is_boxedT (A : MPropF) : Type :=
exists (B : MPropF), A = Box B.
Definition is_boxedT2 (A : MPropF) : Type :=
existsT2 (B : MPropF), A = Box B.
Definition is_primeT (A : MPropF) : Type :=
is_atomicT A + is_boxedT A.
(* We can define some types of lists formulae. For example, we can define
lists of formulae which contain only propositional variables, or
boxed formulae, or a combination of both. These are useful to define
the rules. *)
Definition is_Atomic (Γ : list MPropF) : Prop :=
forall A, (In A Γ) -> ((exists P, A = # P) \/ (A = ⊥)).
Definition is_Boxed_list (Γ : list MPropF) : Prop :=
forall (A : MPropF), (In A Γ) -> (exists (B : MPropF), A = Box B).
Definition is_Prime (Γ : list MPropF) : Prop :=
forall (A : MPropF), (In A Γ) ->
(exists (B : MPropF), A = Box B) \/ (exists P, A = # P) \/ (A = ⊥).
(* The next definitions help to define the combination of a list of boxed
formulae and the unboxing of all the formulae in that list. *)
Definition unBox_formula (A : MPropF) : MPropF :=
match A with
| # P => # P
| ⊥ => ⊥
| And A B => And A B
| Or A B => Or A B
| Imp A B => Imp A B
| Box A => A
Fixpoint unBoxed_list (Γ : list MPropF) : list MPropF:=
match Γ with
| [ ] => [ ]
| h :: t => (unBox_formula h :: unBoxed_list t)
Fixpoint top_boxes (l : list MPropF) : list MPropF :=
match l with
| nil => nil
| h :: t => match h with
| Box A => (Box A) :: top_boxes t
| _ => top_boxes t
(* Now that we have defined these, we can prove some properties about them. *)
Lemma unBox_app_distrib :
forall (l1 l2: list MPropF), unBoxed_list (l1 ++ l2) = (unBoxed_list l1) ++ (unBoxed_list l2).
induction l1.
- intro l2. rewrite app_nil_l with (l:=l2). simpl. reflexivity.
- intro l2. simpl. rewrite IHl1. reflexivity.
Lemma subl_of_boxl_is_boxl :
forall (l1 l2: list MPropF), (incl l1 l2) -> (is_Boxed_list l2) -> (is_Boxed_list l1).
intros. unfold is_Boxed_list. intros. apply H in H1. apply H0 in H1.
destruct H1. exists x. assumption.
Lemma tl_of_boxl_is_boxl :
forall (h : MPropF) (t l : list MPropF) (H: l = h :: t),
(is_Boxed_list l) -> (is_Boxed_list t).
intros. unfold is_Boxed_list. intros. assert (Hyp: In A l).
rewrite H. simpl. right. apply H1. apply H0 in Hyp. destruct Hyp.
exists x. assumption.
Lemma is_box_is_in_boxed_list : forall l (A : MPropF), In A l -> is_Boxed_list l -> (exists B, Box B = A).
induction l.
- intros. inversion H.
- intros. inversion H.
+ subst. unfold is_Boxed_list in H0. pose (H0 A).
apply e in H. destruct H. exists x. symmetry. assumption.
+ apply IHl. assumption. unfold is_Boxed_list. intros. unfold is_Boxed_list in H0.
pose (H0 A0). apply e. apply in_cons. assumption.
Lemma top_boxes_distr_app : forall (l1 l2 : list MPropF),
top_boxes (l1 ++ l2) = (top_boxes l1) ++ (top_boxes l2).
induction l1.
- intro l2. rewrite app_nil_l. simpl. reflexivity.
- intro l2. simpl. destruct a ; try apply IHl1.
simpl. rewrite IHl1. reflexivity.
Lemma top_boxes_incl_list : forall l, incl (top_boxes l) l.
induction l.
- simpl. unfold incl. intros. inversion H.
- unfold incl. intros. destruct a.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
* simpl in H. destruct H.
+ subst. apply in_eq.
+ apply in_cons. apply IHl. assumption.
Lemma in_top_boxes : forall l A, (In A (top_boxes l)) -> (existsT2 B l1 l2, (A = Box B) * (l = l1 ++ A :: l2)).
induction l.
- intros. simpl in H. inversion H.
- intros. destruct a.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([# n] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([⊥] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([And a1 a2] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([Or a1 a2] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl in H. apply IHl in H. destruct H. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p. subst.
exists x. exists ([Imp a1 a2] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
* simpl (top_boxes (Box a :: l)) in H. destruct (eq_dec_form (Box a) A).
+ subst. exists a. exists []. exists l. auto.
+ subst. assert (H0 : In A (top_boxes l)). inversion H. exfalso. apply n. assumption.
assumption. apply IHl in H0. destruct H0. destruct s. destruct s. destruct p.
subst. exists x. exists ([Box a] ++ x0). exists x1. auto.
Lemma box_in_top_boxes : forall l1 l2 A, existsT2 l3 l4, top_boxes (l1 ++ Box A :: l2) = l3 ++ Box A :: l4.
intros. exists (top_boxes l1). exists (top_boxes l2). rewrite top_boxes_distr_app. auto.
Lemma is_Boxed_list_top_boxes : forall l, is_Boxed_list (top_boxes l).
intros. induction l.
- simpl. intro. intros. inversion H.
- intro. destruct a.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. apply IHl in H. assumption.
+ simpl. intros. destruct H.
* exists a. auto.
* apply IHl. assumption.
Definition Seq := (prod (list MPropF) (MPropF)).
(* Finally, we can define the rules which constitute our calculi. We gather
them in cacluli in a definition appearing later. *)
Inductive IdPRule : rlsT Seq :=
| IdPRule_I : forall P (Γ0 Γ1 : list MPropF),
IdPRule [] (pair (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1) (# P))
Inductive BotLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| BotLRule_I : forall Γ0 Γ1 A,
BotLRule [] (pair (Γ0 ++ (⊥) :: Γ1) A)
Inductive AndRRule : rlsT Seq :=
| AndRRule_I : forall A B Γ,
AndRRule [(pair Γ A) ; (pair Γ B)]
(pair Γ (And A B))
Inductive AndLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| AndLRule_I : forall A B C Γ0 Γ1,
AndLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: B :: Γ1) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (And A B) :: Γ1) C)
Inductive OrR1Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrR1Rule_I : forall A B Γ,
OrR1Rule [(pair Γ A)]
(pair Γ (Or A B))
Inductive OrR2Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrR2Rule_I : forall A B Γ,
OrR2Rule [(pair Γ B)]
(pair Γ (Or A B))
Inductive OrLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrLRule_I : forall A B C Γ0 Γ1,
OrLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1) C) ; (pair (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Or A B) :: Γ1) C)
Inductive ImpRRule : rlsT Seq :=
| ImpRRule_I : forall A B Γ0 Γ1,
ImpRRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1) B)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ Γ1) (Imp A B))
Inductive AtomImpL1Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| AtomImpL1Rule_I : forall P A C Γ0 Γ1 Γ2,
AtomImpL1Rule [(pair (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1 ++ A :: Γ2) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ # P :: Γ1 ++ (Imp (# P) A) :: Γ2) C)
Inductive AtomImpL2Rule : rlsT Seq :=
| AtomImpL2Rule_I : forall P A C Γ0 Γ1 Γ2,
AtomImpL2Rule [(pair (Γ0 ++ A :: Γ1 ++ # P :: Γ2) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (# P) A) :: Γ1 ++ # P :: Γ2) C)
Inductive AndImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| AndImpLRule_I : forall A B C D Γ0 Γ1,
AndImpLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp A (Imp B C)) :: Γ1) D)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (And A B) C) :: Γ1) D)
Inductive OrImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| OrImpLRule_I : forall A B C D Γ0 Γ1 Γ2,
OrImpLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp A C) :: Γ1 ++ (Imp B C) :: Γ2) D)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (Or A B) C) :: Γ1 ++ Γ2) D)
Inductive ImpImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| ImpImpLRule_I : forall A B C D Γ0 Γ1,
ImpImpLRule [(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp B C) :: Γ1) (Imp A B)) ; (pair (Γ0 ++ C :: Γ1) D)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (Imp A B) C) :: Γ1) D)
Inductive BoxImpLRule : rlsT Seq :=
| BoxImpLRule_I : forall A B C Γ0 Γ1,
BoxImpLRule [(pair ((unBoxed_list Γ0) ++ B :: (unBoxed_list Γ1) ++ [Box A]) A) ; (pair (Γ0 ++ B :: Γ1) C)]
(pair (Γ0 ++ (Imp (Box A) B) :: Γ1) C)
Inductive SLRRule : rlsT Seq :=
| SLRRule_I : forall A Γ,
SLRRule [(pair ((unBoxed_list Γ) ++ [Box A]) A)] (pair Γ (Box A))
(* At last we can define our calculus G4iSLT. *)
Inductive G4iSLT_rules : rlsT Seq :=
| IdP : forall ps c, IdPRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| BotL : forall ps c, BotLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AndR : forall ps c, AndRRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AndL : forall ps c, AndLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrR1 : forall ps c, OrR1Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrR2 : forall ps c, OrR2Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrL : forall ps c, OrLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| ImpR : forall ps c, ImpRRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AtomImpL1 : forall ps c, AtomImpL1Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AtomImpL2 : forall ps c, AtomImpL2Rule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| AndImpL : forall ps c, AndImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| OrImpL : forall ps c, OrImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| ImpImpL : forall ps c, ImpImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| BoxImpL : forall ps c, BoxImpLRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
| SLR : forall ps c, SLRRule ps c -> G4iSLT_rules ps c
Definition G4iSLT_prv s := derrec G4iSLT_rules (fun _ => False) s.